GCB-2 Control And Protection Module Teaching Equipment Electrical Lab Equipment
This control module contains all the supply and control devices for generator set mod. MGS-1 and enables students to learn and experiment with electric power production and the relevant protection systems, using real industrial components. TRAINING PROGRAM: Training refers to the study of machines for power generationand to control and regulation devices. The range of applicationof these devices is related to both big high-voltage powerplants and small autonomous and/or low-voltage co-generationplants. Main subjects dealt with: • Determination of resistance of the windings of a synchronousmachine • Detection of mechanical losses, iron losses, copper losses,etc… • Determination of efficiency of a synchronous machine • No-load characteristic or magnetization characteristic of analternator • Short circuit characteristic of an alternator • Determination of synchronous impedance • External characteristic of an alternator • Control characteristic for different power factors • V curves of a synchronous motor • Using a synchronous motor as compensator for power factorcorrection TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: PROTECTION AND CONTROL MODULEMod. GCB-2 The framework is made of chemically treated sheet steel,painted with many epoxy coats; the base is provided withrubber feet and it may be positioned on any working top. All the necessary electric components for the correct power supply ofmotor-generator set are included in the module. Main installed components: • 1 differential automatic magneto-thermal switch ln =10 A ldn= 30 mA, A-type, with minimum-voltage releasing device andemergency pushbutton with mechanical holding • 1 electronic drive for direct current motor with armatureof160 Vdc max. 2kW, with separate excitation of 160 Vdcwith feedback by a tachogenerator of 0.06 V/rev, or armaturereaction. • 1 voltage regulator 0-220 Vdc 2A for excitation of synchronousmachine. • 1 synoptic panel available on one side of the module toconnect the motor-generator set with power up to 3 kVA. • 1 wide range ammeter of 5 Aac, with switch for directmeasurement of the current output or absorbed by thesynchronous machine. • 1 wide range voltmeter of 500 Vac, with switch for directmeasurement of phase to phase, phase to neutral voltagesoutput by the synchronous machine. • 1 wide range frequency-meter 35-70 Hz. • 5 breakable fuses for the protection of the synchronousmachine. • 1 relay of phase sequence and voltage asymmetry, for 400-Vnetworks, asymmetry regulation range: 5-15 %; self-poweredwith 400 Vac • 1 three-phase maximum-minimum voltage relay / N, controlrange ±10 %/ - 15 %, Ue 380-400-415 Vac, self-powered. • 1 three-phase maximum-current and short-circuit relay;regulation range 1-5 A/5-25 Aac, auxiliary power supply: 230V 50-60 Hz. • 1 digital analyzer of electric power suit to balanced orunbalanced systems with neutral, for measurements ofvoltage, current, active, reactive and apparent powers, maximum active, reactive and apparent power peaks,counting of active and reactive energy, co-generationmeters, two programmable relays with function of minimumand maximum alarm programmable between measuredparameters, provided with RS485/232 interface foracquisitions on a personal computer. Supply with THEORETICAL – EXPERIMENTAL HANDBOOK