ESX ENGINEERING SCIENCE SPARES KIT Teaching Equipment Mechanical Training Equipment
ENGINEERING SCIENCE SPARES KIT Offers these spares and consumables mainly for the Engineering Science range. However, the stopwatch and weight sets also work as spares for other product ranges. Spare Parts Kit (ESX) This kit includes spares of the most common parts used in the other Engineering Science kits, including fixings, weights, hooks and cord. Lecturers or teachers may use the spares to replace lost parts or add additional parts to the existing experiments. The kit reduces the need to order the small parts that may become misplaced during use. It also reduces the problems created by ‘borrowing’ items from one kit to replace those lost in another kit. This kit also allows teachers to add more variation to some of the standard experiments suggested. Tensile Test Specimens (MTT) Specimens made from a choice of four different materials for use with the Engineering Science Tensile Tester (ES6). MTTA: Aluminium MTTD: Aluminium HE30 MTTP: PVC MTTS: Mild Steel Note: Supplies all specimens individually, but a minimum order charge applies. Stopwatch (SW1) An easy-to-use, accurate, hand-held digital stopwatch. Replaces any lost from the kits or allows more students to share experiments. This general-purpose stopwatch also works well with several other products. Weight Sets (WT and WTL) Slotted masses that fit onto weight hangers. They will work as general-purpose weights and spares for those in several other products, such as the Structures range. Useful to replace any that become lost from the Engineering Science kits or to extend the experiments suggested in the worksheets. WT: A set of 10 g masses and weight hangers WTL: A set of 1 g masses