TD1004V Expansion Of a Perfect Gas Heat Transfer Teaching Equipment
EXPANSION OF A PERFECT GAS The apparatus consists of two frame mounted interconnected transparent and rigid vessels, with one vessel equipped for operation under pressure and the second vessel under vacuum. The vessel is pressurised and vacuumed using an electrical air pump together with valves and tappings. The vessels are independent and can also be used together to enable the study of various thermodynamic processes. The unit features integrated VDAS® data acquisition, that provides accurate real-time data capture, monitoring and display, calculation and charting of all the important readings on a computer. LEARNING OUTCOMES • The non-flow energy equation • Clement and Desormes experiment • The behaviour of a perfect gas and its describing equations • Adiabatic reversible process (isentropic expansion) • Constant volume process • Constant internal energy process • Polytrophic process