SATURATED STEAM - THE MARCET BOILER The TD1006 Marcet Boiler is a simple experiment to show the relationship between pressure and temperature for saturated (wet) steam for comparison with published results. The apparatus consists of a rigid frame containing an insulated pressure vessel (boiler) and an instrumentation and control unit. The frame also has extra space for the optional VDAS® interface. The electrically-heated boiler holds water. As the water temperature increases, so does the pressure in the boiler. A transducer and a thermocouple measure the boiler pressure and temperature. A digital display shows the values in both SI and traditional units (including absolute values). The boiler includes a special-purpose glass window. It allows students to see the internal construction of the vessel, to see the boiling process and to check the water level. For sound engineering practice a mechanical Bourdon type gauge also displays the pressure. It works independent of the electrical supply so the user can always see the pressure in the vessel. The electrical heater has a thermostat to limit the maximum heater temperature. A pressure relief valve limits the maximum boiler pressure. For safety, the equipment includes high temperature pipe to direct any vented steam away from the working area to a suitable drain. The design includes all possible safety and low maintenance features, specially for educational use. Has checked the corrosion-resistant high-grade stainless steel boiler against the latest European safety standards. You can do tests with or without a computer connected. However, for quicker tests with easier recording of results, can supply the optional Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®). This gives accurate real-time data capture, monitoring and display, calculation and charting of all the important readings on a computer. LEARNING OUTCOMES • Variation of saturated steam pressure with temperature • Confirmation of the Antoine Equation