UNIVERSAL HARDNESS TESTER The machine performs Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell tests in accordance with established specifications: • Brinell: ISO 6506, ASTM E10 • Vickers: ISO 6507, ASTM E92 • Rockwell: ISO 6508, ASTM E18 The machine is provided with a backlit LCD display. It is used to display measured hardness results, to monitor the progress of the test and to display information that may be required when setting up the machine for a variety of parameters. Conversions of the results are also possible, including: • Rockwell to Vickers, Brinell, Knoop, and UTS • Brinell to Vickers, Knoop, UTS, and Rockwell HRA, HRB, HRC • Vickers to Brinell, Knoop, UTS, and Rockwell HRA, HRB, HRC The SM1017 is an industrial instrument and if used in accordance with the following instructions, and given reasonable care and attention, it will maintain accurate and reliable hardness scales.