W4 MKII Filterability Apparatus Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Water Treatment Trainer
DESCRIPTION The Filterability Apparatus utilises a bed of granular material, which can be chosen by the investigator to suit their own purposes. The measurements taken with this apparatus enable a filterability number to be calculated, which has significance in deep-bed filter performance. For example, the effects of changing pre-treatment dosing can be evaluated before making changes on the operating plant. Solenoid valves enables the operator to select the direction of flow through the granular bed. At the base of the column is a sieve mesh to retain the granular media. Wastewater can either flow downward via gravity from the funnel into the column to demonstrate filterability or via a pump to demonstrate head loss characteristics using an electronic pressure sensor. The new W4-MKII also enables backwashing of the granular bed using the pump. All tubing connections are transparent to enable operations to be observed and air bubbles avoided. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Sample tube I/D: 0.038mm Sample tube length: 0.60mm Pump operating range: 0-100 L/hr Solenoid valves: 1 Differential pressure sensor: 0-1 psi